Nice to have a place I can declare my yarns for sale without being offensive.

What a great concept! Designers, Yarnies, Knitters and Crocheters all uploading their projects, their stashes, their designs, and their yarns. Those of you who have been there beta testing know that it will eat your brain.

No, I have had time, but Ravelry is sucking it up. The yellow and red flecks are border leicester locks (goldenrod and pokeberry respectively.) Yummy stuff. The orange (dyed with coreopsis) was in a bag of rovings that I'd dyed this summer. Got rained out today, so I spun a couple skeins of longwool. Isn't that pretty? It's a skein of spindlespun. Didn't get a lot of knitting in, though the smitty sox are purt near complet. Pulling a cargo trailer full of my husband's big machines.